lunedì 13 febbraio 2012

“Cry for Help” ~ Reflection
Once you've seen the movie "Cry For Help" (in class), it would be a good idea to reflect on the information that was shared. In one or two paragraphs, reflect on the "big picture" and "personal meaning" of the information provided. Also, make sure that you touch on the support programs that were discussed in the DVD and assess whether or not you think these kind of programs would be beneficial at ISKL, Ampang or Malaysia.

So, the big picture is pretty obvious, as it talks about teen depression and how it can lead to suicide. It talks about how teen hide their most dark feelings and of how they may conflict with their selves with this two voices: the one that can’t take it anymore and the one that just tries to go on and make it. It explains and shows what are some signs that could mean that the teenager is depressed. It talked about this schools that invented various kind of programs that tried to understand and help the teenagers that were depressed. Some programs were about talking to each other. 

giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

Teenagers Vs Stress and Depression

Teenagers Vs Stress and Depression
Teens in Distress Series
Adolescent Stress and Depression
Joyce Walker
University of Minnesota
-Stress and depression is present in young teenagers
-Most of the teenagers that suffer depression or stress are in fact depressed cause of: Break up with boy/girl friend, Increased arguments with parents, Trouble with brother or sister, Increased arguments between parents, Change in parents' financial status, Serious illness or injury of family member, Trouble with classmate or Trouble with parents.
-Most of the teenagers react to depression and stress in healthy and appropriate like: doing something relaxing, trying positive and self-reliant problem-solving, seeking friendship and support from others, listening to music, trying to make their own decisions, daydreaming, trying to figure out solutions, keeping up friendships, watching television and being close to people they care about.
-More troubled teenagers have trouble responding to stess with much more anger and ventilation; avoidance and passivity; and aggressive, antisocial behavior.
- Parents should not underestimate depression and stress risks on teenagers.

Big Meaning
The big meaning of the paragraph is that parents and adults should not underestimate the ricks of depression and stress on teenagers as they can lead to tragedies like suicides. The article explain in details how teenagers and depression/stress are correlated and tries to explain how teenagers deal with them. It clarifies that adults should understand that it’s good to let teenagers deal with stress and depression to make them grow but it’s not good to make it ‘’slip’’

Personal Meaning
 This means to me because I am a teenager too and I undersand now that everyday I deal with different types of stress and that it makes me grow. I’m  aware now that I have to face every challenge with matureness and let it make me stronger.