lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

For this assignment, we ask that you choose a health-related goal that you want to focus on for the duration of this semester. The goal you choose to work on should fulfill the following requirements:
a. It should be a goal that needs to be completed by the end of the semester.
b. It should be a goal that follows the SMART elements noted above
c. Keep in mind that goals that are completely under our control (i.e. losing weight) are easier to control then goals that are, to some extent, out of our control (e.g. making a team involves decisions made by others and many variables that are beyond your control)

Steps for achieving a goal

1.Select one goal to work toward.
2.List what you will do to reach this goal.
3.Identify others who can help you and support your efforts.
4.Give yourself a specific period of time to reach your goal.
5.Build in checkpoints to evaluate how you are doing.
6.Give yourself a reward once you’ve achieved the goal.

1. The area or I would like to change or improve is: ~
my weight

2. Pick a primary goal in your lifestyle within the above mentioned Wellness Wheel
area that you want to work on achieving. ~  

3. What health benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area? ~
I would (finally) get in my normal weight.

4. What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?
Well, since i was in....well, first grade i always tried to lose weight and get in my "normal weight". I'm making progresses veeeery slowly, but i'm making it. But i really want to get serious about it. That's why it's my goal now.

5. The people you will ask for support and assistance are:
My family:My mom

In what way will they help you?
Well, i live with my mom. She's my family, and to lose weight you need to eat good and keep exercising. Mom is very healthy so i think she's the best...she'll give me emotional support and help me get better.

6. Three specific steps involved in making this change/improvement are (be specific)

Eat moderate (not eat too much, i actually don't eat junk food)
Find time to exercise.
Have a healthy life style

7. How will you record of your progress?
Every two or three weeks i should keep track of my physical data (weight,height,fat %)

8. Date you will start / have started:
1st of February (there are only 4 days left, and my family is still here on visit... Italian's hard to not eat..)
9. Date you are going to complete:
End of school, just before summer break.

10. Reward for completion (should be appropriate):
Eheh....i would say to go to my favorite Italian restaurant but that would ruin let's just say that the best reward i could ask for is a drawing tablet....if i really have to be rewarded, but i have to admit that i dream of this goal since i was 10 so...reaching the goal is more than a reward.

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