lunedì 7 maggio 2012

You are what you eat (?)

Probably this statement means that in simply words if you eat healthy you'll be healthy (my point of view). All the nutrients and proteins that you eat from something wil go ''into'' you and in a way become part of you, and so doe the fat and everything else that the food that you eat might contain, so for example, if you eat a mega huge mchamburger from mcdonald....i hope you don't expect to be thin and in shape...because those kind of food are called "junk food"...and if we go back to the statement, then in simply words it means that if you eat junk food you'll be junk yourself.
....this is very metaphoric :iconoo-plz: .

But in my case, as i am italian....i am made of pasta and pizza :iconsuperw00tplz:YEEAAH

What did i thought about this huh ?
Well, i already knew all about this. And the thing that still shocks but most of all creates anger in me is the treatment that this horrible companies put on animals :iconfrownyfaceplz:

giovedì 26 aprile 2012

. Using find out what your calorie input should be (according to the US Department of Agriculture) and make a copy of your recommended daily food intake and caloric needs and post it on your blog.
2. Input Foods consumed (copy onto your blog)
3. Input activities done (copy onto your blog)

Dietary Fiber
6. Nutrition Graph

Gigi and Me

Gigi (apparently he's my 8 years old son) comes to me one day after a day of school with this question:
"Mum, can people spit fire like dragons when they turn 15 ?"
me: "No Gigi, people can't spit fire. Why do you ask ?"
gigi "Well, while i was coming out of school i saw this high schoolers spitting smoke, so i thought they were dragons"
me:"I see, well, Gigi you must know that those kids were smoking, when you smoke you spit smoke (DUH)"
gigi:"Mummy what is this smoking ? Can I smoke too ? I wanna look like a dragon!"
me:"Mhmm, tell me did this kids had little sticks in their hands or mouthes ?"
gigi:"Yes they did, what are those thingies ?
me:"Those are called cigarettes, it's what make people spit smoke. Those kids were inhaling the smoke that those cigarettes produced and then spitted it"
gigi:"Can i have one ?"
me:"Well, you must know that those cigarettes aren't good for your health, especially little boys like you. You see, cigarettes contain lots of things called chemicals that if burned make smoke, but when you inhale this smoke, your body starts feeling weird. Plus, people don't smoke because they want to look like dragons, but because they like the feeling of the smoke in their bodies"
gigi:"Why do they like it if it's not good for them ?"
me:"Well, at the beginning everything is nice isn't it ? For example, do you remember those candies you ate some months ago ? They were good at the beninning right ? You liked them ?"
gigi"Yes, i love those candies!!''
me:"Ahaha, yet when you ate too many of them you got toothache, what did that taught you ?"
gigi:"That there's a limit to everything and that sometimes too much it's dangerous"
me:"Exactly, same thing with smoke, at the beginning smoke is good, but people start liking it too much and at the end they can't stop smoking, and that's when it becomes dangerous"
gigi:"Why can't they stop if they know it will hurt them ?"
me:"Well, there is this little feeling that your brain gets when it likes something too much: it's called addiction, it's when no matter how hard you try, you can't stop having or doing something"
gigi:"But what if I try it just one time ? Would i still get a-addipted ?"
me:''Addicted, and no if you don't like it, but if you do, you may not be able to stop"

martedì 3 aprile 2012

The most dangerous drug ( DONEEE !!)

I think that the most dangerous drug is heroine because too many people use it so many people are attracted to it (i think that is dangerous. It has very bad effects on your body and just because it's not easy to get it doesn't mean you can't get it somehow.

MDMA (ecstasy)

MDMA (ecstasy)

  1. What is the definition of this drug classification (characteristics)
  2. What are a few examples of drug that come under this classification
  3. Short-term effects of that drug.
  4. Long-term effects of that drug. Be sure to include physiological effects on the body.
  5. Street names for that drug.
  6. Pictures of what that drug looks like.
  7. How that drug is taken.
  8. Statistics related to that drug (example: % of teenagers using in 2008)
  9. An interesting/fun fact about the drug.
  10. Overall analysis (in your own words) related to how dangerous you think this drug is. What are the dangers of this particular drug? In your analysis include what you think are the reasons a government would make this drug illegal (under some or all circumstances).
  11. If you used additional sources than the NIDA link, you need to cite your sources appropriately.

1.MDMA is an entactogenic drug of the phenethylamine and 
amphetamine class of drugs. In popular culture, MDMA has become widely known as "ecstasy", usually referring to its street pill form.

2.Putative members of this class include 2C-B, 2C-I, MDMA, MDA, MDEA, MBDB, 2C-T-7, and 2C-T-2, among others. 

3.Short-term effects include feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, enhanced sensory perception, and increased physical energy. MDMA causes a reduction in the concentration of serotonin transporters in the brain. The rate at which the brain recovers from serotonergic changes is unclear.

4.MDMA causes a reduction in the concentration of serotonin transporters  in the brain. The rate at which the brain recovers from serotonergic changes is unclear.

5.XTC, X, Adam, hug, beans, love drug
6. is taken orally as a capsule or tablet.

8. In 2009, 2.8 million Americans age 12 and older had abused MDMA at least once in the year prior to being surveyed.

9. Ecstasy has a rep for being a party drug. The word is that Ecstasy lets you get in touch with all your senses. But what you might really "get in touch with" is the sensation of shaking, cramps, nausea, sweating and blurred vision-now, that doesn't really sound like fun.

10. Well, this drug seems fun...for the first three hours ? After three hours or three weeks you took this drug you start getting nausea, shaking, cramps, blurred vision....i mean.....instead of taking a drug that will just make you touch all your senses why don't you instead fall in love and stay with who you love...not even this "love drug" can compare to that. Plus, it has severe long terms effects that really messes up with your brain. Why would you want to sacrifice a life to enjoy some hours ?


lunedì 13 febbraio 2012

“Cry for Help” ~ Reflection
Once you've seen the movie "Cry For Help" (in class), it would be a good idea to reflect on the information that was shared. In one or two paragraphs, reflect on the "big picture" and "personal meaning" of the information provided. Also, make sure that you touch on the support programs that were discussed in the DVD and assess whether or not you think these kind of programs would be beneficial at ISKL, Ampang or Malaysia.

So, the big picture is pretty obvious, as it talks about teen depression and how it can lead to suicide. It talks about how teen hide their most dark feelings and of how they may conflict with their selves with this two voices: the one that can’t take it anymore and the one that just tries to go on and make it. It explains and shows what are some signs that could mean that the teenager is depressed. It talked about this schools that invented various kind of programs that tried to understand and help the teenagers that were depressed. Some programs were about talking to each other. 

giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

Teenagers Vs Stress and Depression

Teenagers Vs Stress and Depression
Teens in Distress Series
Adolescent Stress and Depression
Joyce Walker
University of Minnesota
-Stress and depression is present in young teenagers
-Most of the teenagers that suffer depression or stress are in fact depressed cause of: Break up with boy/girl friend, Increased arguments with parents, Trouble with brother or sister, Increased arguments between parents, Change in parents' financial status, Serious illness or injury of family member, Trouble with classmate or Trouble with parents.
-Most of the teenagers react to depression and stress in healthy and appropriate like: doing something relaxing, trying positive and self-reliant problem-solving, seeking friendship and support from others, listening to music, trying to make their own decisions, daydreaming, trying to figure out solutions, keeping up friendships, watching television and being close to people they care about.
-More troubled teenagers have trouble responding to stess with much more anger and ventilation; avoidance and passivity; and aggressive, antisocial behavior.
- Parents should not underestimate depression and stress risks on teenagers.

Big Meaning
The big meaning of the paragraph is that parents and adults should not underestimate the ricks of depression and stress on teenagers as they can lead to tragedies like suicides. The article explain in details how teenagers and depression/stress are correlated and tries to explain how teenagers deal with them. It clarifies that adults should understand that it’s good to let teenagers deal with stress and depression to make them grow but it’s not good to make it ‘’slip’’

Personal Meaning
 This means to me because I am a teenager too and I undersand now that everyday I deal with different types of stress and that it makes me grow. I’m  aware now that I have to face every challenge with matureness and let it make me stronger.

lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

For this assignment, we ask that you choose a health-related goal that you want to focus on for the duration of this semester. The goal you choose to work on should fulfill the following requirements:
a. It should be a goal that needs to be completed by the end of the semester.
b. It should be a goal that follows the SMART elements noted above
c. Keep in mind that goals that are completely under our control (i.e. losing weight) are easier to control then goals that are, to some extent, out of our control (e.g. making a team involves decisions made by others and many variables that are beyond your control)

Steps for achieving a goal

1.Select one goal to work toward.
2.List what you will do to reach this goal.
3.Identify others who can help you and support your efforts.
4.Give yourself a specific period of time to reach your goal.
5.Build in checkpoints to evaluate how you are doing.
6.Give yourself a reward once you’ve achieved the goal.

1. The area or I would like to change or improve is: ~
my weight

2. Pick a primary goal in your lifestyle within the above mentioned Wellness Wheel
area that you want to work on achieving. ~  

3. What health benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area? ~
I would (finally) get in my normal weight.

4. What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?
Well, since i was in....well, first grade i always tried to lose weight and get in my "normal weight". I'm making progresses veeeery slowly, but i'm making it. But i really want to get serious about it. That's why it's my goal now.

5. The people you will ask for support and assistance are:
My family:My mom

In what way will they help you?
Well, i live with my mom. She's my family, and to lose weight you need to eat good and keep exercising. Mom is very healthy so i think she's the best...she'll give me emotional support and help me get better.

6. Three specific steps involved in making this change/improvement are (be specific)

Eat moderate (not eat too much, i actually don't eat junk food)
Find time to exercise.
Have a healthy life style

7. How will you record of your progress?
Every two or three weeks i should keep track of my physical data (weight,height,fat %)

8. Date you will start / have started:
1st of February (there are only 4 days left, and my family is still here on visit... Italian's hard to not eat..)
9. Date you are going to complete:
End of school, just before summer break.

10. Reward for completion (should be appropriate):
Eheh....i would say to go to my favorite Italian restaurant but that would ruin let's just say that the best reward i could ask for is a drawing tablet....if i really have to be rewarded, but i have to admit that i dream of this goal since i was 10 so...reaching the goal is more than a reward.